18 February 2009

Simple Yet Profound

Last night, after wearily working for most of the morning and afternoon, I trudged back to my dorm in time for Bible study. We learned about how God's love is for everyone, not just for the Jews. While this was obviously not new to me, it made me realize how much we can rely on God. He never gives out on us, even when we stop caring or trying. By receiving strength from Him, we can pass it on to others that need it. And that's what makes God happy.

After Bible study we headed for the Union to play some board games for Ashley's birthday. My Bible study co-leader was turning 19, and nearly everyone from our on campus church group (Intervarsity) showed up to celebrate. She looked very happy.

After the party, I listened to a voicemail that I had gotten from my friend Laura. She chatted in weird voices and told me to call her back. Before hanging up she said "I love you" in the wonderful way in which only old friends can. I felt so happy.

After that, I went to my good friend and future roommate Rusty's room. While we chatted a bit here and there, we mostly sat in silence and read books that we had recommended to each other. There is something about Rusty that makes us understand each other so well. There is no need for mindless chatter or uncomfortable silence. There is a nice quiet - the absence of needing to impress each other or show off that many guys have. How blessed I am to have found a friend who values not only books but also the comfortableness of friendship. How it makes him happy as well.

It is still always so awesome to me to find that people in my life love me - and often that I love them back. God's love, while obviously greater than mine, has been put in my heart for a reason. Often I forget to use it, but when He makes me remember, or when others remind me, it is so very, very nice.

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